Makeup was not my first career. It was a desire that grew inside of me after I realized how good I personally felt when I took a little time to pamper myself, to put my best foot (and face) forward. It was the beginning of a new journey, as now I wanted to make others feel as good as I did.

  Having been in this industry for a number of years, I still get excited at the very thought of creating a look that will stimulate the senses, but that will also move the heart. For me, there is no better feeling than when a client looks in the mirror, and their eyes light up. It is that spark that makes every job worth the time and effort. It is the joy and laughter that I hear when my job is done and I know that the client is satisfied. I am thrilled that I can make someone else happy, and that they trust me enough to leave their beauty needs in my hands, because, make no mistake, trust is key. I don't take that trust for granted.

  I really believe that true beauty comes from working together. True beauty comes from giving birth to a look that will make others stop and stare. But more than that, true beauty comes from inside of each and every individual who allows me to have the privilege of working on them. Without you, the client, there would be no "Kendra Joseph Beauty". Thank you!

My Soft Spot

"I love doing makeup on everyone, but I have a soft spot for brides. Every woman deserves to be queen for a day, and there is no better time to do that than on your wedding day. To be a part of a woman's new beginning is a really special feeling."

The beauty created on the outside is merely a reflection of the beauty that was in you all along. WEAR YOUR BEAUTY PROUDLY!

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